Wow. It's been a long time since I've posted! For the few of you that actually read this blog, sorry it's been so long!
Well, I promised a while back to "announce" the name we've chosen for the baby and I think the best way to do that is to tell the story of how we came up with it.
Very shortly after I found out that I was pregnant (just about 5 minutes after!) I started making a list of potential baby names. Now, I'll admit, some of the names were a little out there (I had the name "Angus" on there for a little while and now that I think about it, that sounds better suited for a big old black lab then for a cute little baby) but if a name struck me, even for a minute, I added it to that list. Every once in a while I would run a name by Ted, but he wasn't ready to talk about names yet. Admittedly, I was getting ahead of myself, but the more Ted resisted talking about it, the more obsessed I became with it. Finally, we decided that no serious discussion about names would take place until we found out if we were having a boy or a girl, and I eased up on it a little. But, just a little....
One night as we were settling into bed, I brought up the subject again. I think we were talking about potential girls names, and I made a comment about how I thought that deciding on a boys name would be very difficult since I really hadn't thought of any that I loved. That's when Ted said, "I think if we have a boy, we should just name him Max and leave it at that". I was shocked. He sounded serious, but was he? So, I asked him very tentatively: "Are you serious????" He looked at me and said, "Well, kind of." So I almost screamed, "I hope you're serious, because I LOVE IT!!!!". He said he was glad, because he had thought of it a little while ago, but wasn't sure how I would feel about it. All of a sudden, that was it. We thought of a boys name that we loved.
So, there you have it. Our son's name will be Max Keenan Lorson. I love the strength in the first name, and I love that my maiden name will be a part of him. I'll have to let someone else have the name Angus....
Well, I promised a while back to "announce" the name we've chosen for the baby and I think the best way to do that is to tell the story of how we came up with it.
Very shortly after I found out that I was pregnant (just about 5 minutes after!) I started making a list of potential baby names. Now, I'll admit, some of the names were a little out there (I had the name "Angus" on there for a little while and now that I think about it, that sounds better suited for a big old black lab then for a cute little baby) but if a name struck me, even for a minute, I added it to that list. Every once in a while I would run a name by Ted, but he wasn't ready to talk about names yet. Admittedly, I was getting ahead of myself, but the more Ted resisted talking about it, the more obsessed I became with it. Finally, we decided that no serious discussion about names would take place until we found out if we were having a boy or a girl, and I eased up on it a little. But, just a little....
One night as we were settling into bed, I brought up the subject again. I think we were talking about potential girls names, and I made a comment about how I thought that deciding on a boys name would be very difficult since I really hadn't thought of any that I loved. That's when Ted said, "I think if we have a boy, we should just name him Max and leave it at that". I was shocked. He sounded serious, but was he? So, I asked him very tentatively: "Are you serious????" He looked at me and said, "Well, kind of." So I almost screamed, "I hope you're serious, because I LOVE IT!!!!". He said he was glad, because he had thought of it a little while ago, but wasn't sure how I would feel about it. All of a sudden, that was it. We thought of a boys name that we loved.
So, there you have it. Our son's name will be Max Keenan Lorson. I love the strength in the first name, and I love that my maiden name will be a part of him. I'll have to let someone else have the name Angus....
Congratulations Max!!! You did a great job at your first Grilling Competition. Love, Kris (Lakeside)
Thanks, Auntie Lakeside!!!! The Prince of Pork can't wait until he's old enough to join you in doing shots from your "Fatty" trophy!!! Think we'll all still be on the bbq circuit by then??? It was great to see you guys and spend some time.
Max Keenan Lorson, the new Prince of Pork!! I love it! xo L
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